Keratoconus Treatment / Management

Keratoconus Treatment

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition characterized by the thinning and conical distortion of the cornea, leading to visual impairment. Optometrists play a crucial role in the management of keratoconus, employing a variety of strategies to improve patients’ vision and enhance their quality of life.

   - In the early stages, conventional glasses may be prescribed to address mild astigmatism and myopia associated with keratoconus.

   - Soft contact lenses, including toric lenses, can be used to compensate for corneal irregularities, although they may be limited in their effectiveness for advanced cases.

- At our Optical Centres we provide special customized Double Aspheric optical lenses for keratoconus prescriptions with lens enhancements like Anti reflective coatings to maximize clarity with comfort. Click here for the Details of our Optical Centres in Jaipur.

   - RGP lenses are often the go-to solution for managing keratoconus. These lenses provide a smooth optical surface, compensating for corneal irregularities and improving visual acuity.

   - Customized fittings are crucial for optimal comfort and vision correction.

- At our clinic Optom Abhinav Maharwal and our team is expert in dispensing RGP lenses of all types.

- Some common RGP lens that we dispense include:

  • High DK (High Oxygen) Indian RGP Lenses
  • McAspheer RGP Lenses
  • Boston RGP Lenses
  • Rose K Lenses 


  - Hybrid lenses combine the comfort of soft lenses with the optical benefits of rigid lenses, offering an alternative for patients who may struggle with the rigid nature of traditional lenses.

 Scleral lenses vault over the cornea, providing a comfortable option for those with advanced keratoconus. By resting on the sclera, they avoid direct contact with the sensitive corneal surface. 

Our Team has fitted several scleral lens with success, achieving great results for our patients, At our clinics we use World’s best & most advanced Mini scleral Lens Paragon Med Fit Plus lenses which are highly customizable, invisible on eye with great comfort. 

 - CXL is a minimally invasive procedure involving the application of riboflavin eye drops and exposure to ultraviolet light. This strengthens the cornea and can slow or halt the progression of keratoconus.

   - It is typically recommended for younger patients with progressive cases.

- Application of CXL is debatable and if considered must be done only after consultation with an Corneal Surgeon.


 - Intacs, small plastic implants, are inserted into the cornea to reshape it. This surgical option is considered for patients with moderate keratoconus who may not tolerate or benefit sufficiently from contact lenses.

- Application of Intacs is not yet very commonly used procedure give the concern about further damaging or risking the already compromised eyes, but if considered must be done only after consultation with an Corneal Surgeon.


  - In severe cases where other interventions are ineffective, a corneal transplant may be considered. Procedures such as penetrating keratoplasty or lamellar keratoplasty involve replacing the damaged cornea with a healthy donor cornea.


Hear From The Expert


Effective management of keratoconus requires a personalized approach, taking into account the severity of the condition, the patient’s age, and individual visual needs. Optometrists, through regular eye examinations, play a vital role in monitoring the progression of keratoconus and adjusting treatment plans accordingly. With advancements in contact lens technology and surgical interventions, individuals with keratoconus can achieve improved vision and maintain a higher quality of life.

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